A downloadable game for Windows

*This game is a submission for Scream Jam 2022+1*

The Dark Envelope is a small game about a man struggling to crawl his way out of the dark and tight cavern system. He must race against time as suffocation and hallucination are taking a toll on him. Will he escape? or Will this cave become his tomb?

The game intentionally comes with complex controls to simulate harsh claustrophobic cave crawling. Here are control schemes. 

P to pause the game

M to open map

F to Deploy glowsticks

Shift to toggle between moving mode and turning mode

[Moving Mode Controls]

1. Clicking left mouse and then right mouse back and forth = move forward

2. Clicking right mouse and then left mouse back and forth = move backward

[Turning Mode Controls]

1. Hold right mouse + A = Turn Left

2. Hold left mouse + D = Turn Right

3. Hold right mouse + W = Tilt Right

4. Hold Left mouse + S = Tilt Left

[Note: This game is in the early development stage and our team is quite new to this, so expect some bugs and glitches]


Dark Envelope_1.0.zip 56 MB

Install instructions

1. Unpack the zip file

2. Run Dark Envelope.exe


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remember when I literally became sonic the hedgehog in that game?

For a game Jam project, this was perfection! Finest job. Yet, the mechanics were unnecessarily difficult. 

There are 2 main perspectives, based on how I give the game a positive feedback - immersion and the struggle I had to encounter while  navigating using the keyboard+mouse. First, I think the level of detail with these specific mechanics are superb. I literally felt as if I was crawling and that adds true depth to the horror, which I have not seen other games do. With that said, after couple of minutes I was irritated and overwhelmed, which is the reason why I quite the game. 

I fully understand that this is a game Jam project. If you were to develop or update the game, I would recommend trying to find the balance between the 2 sides, which I mentioned in the paragraph, because the game has a great potential and it is super engaging.

Best of luck with the future developments and with the Jam. Cheers!